Enjoy Life Work Part-Time

One Year of Encouraging Professionals to Work Part-time! For Me, It Started with a Baby.

One Year of Encouraging Professionals to Work Part-time! For Me, It Started with a Baby.

 Downsize Your 2080 is one year old! Photo by Carol (that’s me!)

The anniversary of my first post, Want to Downsize Your Work Year? Read These Non-monetary Considerations, was actually a few weeks ago but I was too busy to announce it.

With less than two dozen posts on my site, I had traveled to Orlando to attend FinCon18, a conference where personal finance bloggers, authors, media types, and representatives from finance-related companies meet to get giddy over things like podcasting and blogging tips, networking, freelance writing, and learning about topics such as search engine optimization (SEO), Financial Independence/Retire Early (FIRE), and much, much more. I got to meet and visit with lots of fantastic people who also attended. 

I was encouraged to attend by Vicki from Make Smarter Decisions (and Women Who Money) and bought a ticket after reading a great post about investing in myself by Corinne at Broke Today, Rich Tomorrow. Even though I’m older than many of you, I still love to learn and work and do cool things.

One particular session at FinCon18 really reinforced to me that I do have a unique story to tell and that I want to continue with this blog. 

Honestly, even though I work part-time hours at my daytime job, I didn’t really have time to add in a blog. The whole reason I work part-time is so I can be the primary parent for handling all things before and afterschool, including doctor appointments, sports practices, dinner prep, etc. It’s how my husband and I choose to run our family and household schedule.

But the gist of my story is that I decided to downsize the work schedule at my awesome engineering job while on maternity leave with my first child. I KNOW I’m not the only woman to re-evaluate her career after having a baby.  Even though it meant a reduction in pay, switching to part-time was a great option for me.











See my first little cutie? She’s one whom I wrote to in the most read post of my first year: Dear Kids, Check Out These Millennial Bloggers. Love, Mom. P.S. No Book Report Required.

Since she was born, I’ve birthed a second child, fostered a few, and adopted a third, and I’ve never longed to return to a full-time work schedule. If you’re interested in doing the same, here are some reasons why your employer might agree to your request.

The Name: Downsize Your 2080

I am so glad I launched Downsize Your 2080. You need me. You really need me (insert winky face emoji)!  Y’all are working way too many hours (including my husband, who is our household’s primary breadwinner and just an all-around awesome guy).

I still get asked, “What is 2080?” And that’s ok!  It’s hard to pick a blog’s name and find it available on the domain registry.































I purposely chose the word “Downsize.” See the second meaning below, as defined by Merriam-Webster.com. 



down·size | \ˈdau̇n-ˌsīz \

Definition of downsize 

transitive verb

1 : to reduce in size especially : to design or produce in smaller size

2 : to fire (employees) for the purpose of downsizing a business


No lay-offs here.

Instead, the good news is that YOU are voluntary downsizing your work schedule because, for some reason, you want more of the life often mentioned in work-life balance. 

I also registered the domain name DownsizeYourWorkyear.com in case people don’t remember the site name correctly. You’ll get redirected.


Are you looking to work fewer hours in the office?  

 I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’ll be picking up the pace around here and posting regularly.

What questions do you have about switching to a part-time work schedule? What are your concerns? Want to share your story? Please, let me know in the comments section below and, while you’re here, subscribe so you’ll get my posts delivered straight to your inbox.  

In the meantime, you might find the archive of all my posts helpful. Click here: Archive.

Also, come back tomorrow for a National Flex Day post that will point you to other bloggers who telecommute, job-share, and work part-time.






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  1. Angela @ Tread Lightly Retire Early

    So glad you’re here and championing the value of part time employment. A baby was my impetus as well, but now I realize what a good option it could be for ANYONE.

    1. Angela, thank you! It is such a good option and I completely agree it can be for anyone (no baby necessary). I’m glad you’re helping spread the word too. I wish I could write as quickly as you. We’ve got lots to share.

  2. Me too! I went from full time in IT, to part time, to quitting totally to start my own business. Life is 1 million times better now that I have this flexibility. Now I understand what you mean by 2080 – I thought it was an American thing I just didn’t get 🤭😁

    1. Peti, thanks for stopping by and commenting! You’ve done well and I love that you’re loving the flexibility you created for yourself. You’re a success story. 🙂 A lot of Americans don’t get the 2080 reference either. All in good time, I’ll keep spreading the meaning as I continue to blog. Thanks again!

  3. Amy @ LifeZemplified

    Congrats on the one-year mark! Looking forward to seeing more great stuff here this year!

    1. Amy, thanks! Blogging is even more fun now that I’ve met so many other bloggers, including you! 😃

  4. Financial Pilgrimage

    So many milestones to celebrate this year! Congrats on a great year and the new baby! I like the message you are sharing.

    What have you found are he best part time options for teachers? My wife decided to take a few years off to stay at home with our young children. Recently she has been expressing interest in picking up some part time work.

    1. Thank you! Though my baby shown in the picture is actually all grown up and working now, post-college. The years passed by too quickly… However, she is the reason I first dropped my work hours to part-time. I have some thoughts on your teacher question. I’ll research that for you (and others) and write a post on it soon because I’ve had this conversation. Also, I just added Laurie’s story to my Personal Finance Bloggers Share Their Flexible Work Arrangements post, and your wife might find her approach interesting. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Tim LifeForTheBetter

    Such a unique name! Very clever!

    1. Thank you! It took awhile to think of a blog name AND find it available. 😊😃

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